Helicopter Flying Handbook

Helicopter Flying Handbook

Ce manuel technique de l'hélicoptère offre aux élèves la possibilité de préparer les évaluations Américaines et permet aux pilotes diplômés d'améliorer leurs connaissances.

This is the F.A.A.’s primary resource for helicopter operations knowledge; it is essential reading for applicants preparing for the exams for private, commercial, or flight instructor pilot certificates with a helicopter class rating. In addition to a basic introduction to the helicopter, readers will find chapters on aerodynamics, flight controls, systems, performance, ground procedures, basic and advanced flight maneuvers, emergencies and hazards, attitude instrument flying, night operations, and aeronautical decision-making.

This handbook is designed for use by flight instructors, pilots preparing for a helicopter rating F.A.A. Knowledge and Practical exam, and helicopter-rated pilots wishing to improve their knowledge.

Attention, livre intégralement en anglais.

Nb de pages : 200 pages
Format : 21 x 27 cm
Date de parution : 2012

prix boutique aero
18,91 €
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Helicopter Flying Handbook

18,91 €