Basic theory of the helicopter

Basic theory of the helicopter

This initiation to helicopters is a real first.

The complex functional aspects of the machine are explained simply by a sequence of colour pictures backed up by an attractive text.
This manual is intended for a wide pub1ic : neophytes, specialists (pilots, engineers, mechanics, aeronautics teachers, etc.) or the simply curious.

The latter will make a surprising and fascinating discovery.
For the neophyte, the initiation manual provides an indispensable and solid base enabling him to acquire more detailed knowledge of the helicopter. « Basic theory of the helicopter» is the tool that future pilots and technicians. were waiting for.
Lastly, for the specialist, the manual is both a reference work and a return to source theory.
The author, who was head of the Helicopter Division « Education » department in the company AEROSPATIALE offers the reader a synthesis of his long theoretical and practical experience in helicopters. « Basic theory of the helicopter » is used by the company AEROSPATIALE to train pilots and technicians in its clubs, both military and private.

- 1 General
- 2 Basic notions on mechanics and aerodynamics
- 3 Blade and rotor
- 4 Control of rotor lift
- 5 Main rotor reactive torque and tail rotor
- 6 Aerodynamics of the rotor
- 7 Helicopter flight and power required

Attention ce livre est intégralement en anglais.

Nb de pages : 80 pages
Format : 21 x 29.7 cm
Date de parution : juin 2010

prix boutique aero
34,12 €
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Basic theory of the helicopter

34,12 €