Helicopter Pilot Oral Exam Guide

Helicopter Pilot Oral Exam Guide

A jour des derniers changements de la règlementation Américaine, ce livre destiné aux pilotes d'hélicoptère a été conçu comme un complément aux "Oral Exam Guides" préparant aux licences de pilote privé, pilote commercial, instructeur, pilote de ligne ou vol aux instruments de la F.A.A.

Updated to reflect the latest regulations and procedures, this invaluable resource serves as a supplement to ASA’s Oral Exam Guide Series. When used with the corresponding oral exam guide, this book prepares students for the oral portion of their private, instrument, commercial, flight instructor, or A.T.P. helicopter checkride.

Arranged in question and answer format, this guide takes the questions most likely to be asked by examiners and provides succinct, easy to follow responses. Instructors consider this to be excellent preparation for students, as well as a general refresher for previously certificated helicopter pilots.

Attention, livre intégralement en anglais.

2e édition
Nb de pages : 192 pages
Format : 13.5 x 21 cm
Date de parution : 2012

prix boutique aero
14,17 €
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Helicopter Pilot Oral Exam...

14,17 €