Mass and balance - Jeppesen E.A.S.A. A.T.P.L. Training

Mass and balance - Jeppesen E.A.S.A. A.T.P.L. Training

L'ouvrage "Mass and Balance" explique aux pilotes comment calculer la masse maximale au décollage et le centre de gravité correspondant. Ce livre aborde également des bases de calculs de masse et du centre de gravité des avions (pleins ou à vide) ainsi que des procédures de pesage d'aéronefs.

The Mass & Balance text ensures that you have a good understanding of the effects of adding or subtracting a mass from an airplane, or moving a mass within an airplane.

Mass and Balance introduces to pilots how to calculate the maximum take-off mass and the corresponding center of gravity (CG). This book discussed the basics of mass and center of gravity calculations for airplanes, procedures for aircraft weighing and to find the empty CG. Always up to date, printed on demand and using QR codes to provide animated graphics, this book presents this knowledge step-by-step.

Index :
- Purpose of Mass and Balance Considerations
- Loading
- Fundamentals of C.G. Calculations

- Mass and Balance Details of Aircraft
- Determination og C.G. Position
- Cargo Handling


Attention ! Cet ouvrage est intégralement en anglais.

Format : 21.5 x 27 cm
Date de parution : 2016

prix boutique aero
42,61 €
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Mass and balance - Jeppesen...

42,61 €