Communications - Jeppesen E.A.S.A. A.T.P.L. Training

Communications - Jeppesen E.A.S.A. A.T.P.L. Training

Cet ouvrage délivre aux lecteurs toutes les informations nécessaires à une préparation efficace et sécuritaire de ses vols. Ce livre est agrémenté de nombreux schémas et graphiques pour faciliter l'apprentissage.

In the volume Flight Planning and monitoring the pilot receives the necessary knowledge on the subject of flight planning, fuel planning, flight preparation and monitoring activities in flight. Starting from the basics of flight planning, instrument and visual flight, all the way to inflight re-planning, learning contents are explained step by step. All topics such as VFR and I.F.R. navigation plans, minimum altitudes standard departures (S.I.D.s), standard approach routes (S.T.A.R.s) and E.T.O.P.S. calculations are detailed with photorealistic illustrations and diagrams, high-quality animation and graphics, as a useful supplement. So intricate knowledge itself is simply taught and learned in a very short time. Always up to date, printed on demand and using QR codes to provide animated graphics, this book presents this knowledge step-by-step.


Index :
- Flight
Planning for VFR Flights
- Flight planning for I.F.R. Flights
- Fuel Planning
- Pre-Flight Preparation

-I.C.A.O. Flight Plan (A.T.S. Flight Plan)
-Flight Monitoring and In-Flight Replanning


Attention ! Cet ouvrage est intégralement en anglais.

Format : 21.5 x 28 cm
Date de parution : 2016

prix boutique aero
23,70 €
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Communications - Jeppesen...

23,70 €