ATC and weather mastering the systems

ATC and weather mastering the systems

Richard L. COLLINS est un pilote à l'expérience précieuse totalisant plus de 19.000 heures de vol. Grand pilote autant que pédagogue, il a écrit ce livre destiné aux pilotes professionnels afin que ceux-ci apprennent à mieux cohabiter avec les contrôleurs aériens ainsi que la météo.

Richard COLLINS highlights and stresses the importance of negotiating the system of air traffic control and weather services to maximum advantage. The emphasis is on pilot judgment. A flight is affected by winds, storms are always a risk... and considering visibility, an area the regulations cover with a blanket rule that sets the VFR minimums in miles — this does not take into account differences in speed and a regulation's legality does not guarantee pilot and passenger safety. Yet the author demystifies the art of aviation, guiding the pilot through common misconceptions with solid advice and accurate examples for improvement.

Attention, livre intégralement en anglais.

Nb de pages : 172 pages
Format : 16 x 24 cm
Date de parution : décembre 2001

prix boutique aero
18,91 €
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ATC and weather mastering...

18,91 €