Mermoz - 040 - Human Performance - English Version

Mermoz - 040 - Human Performance - English Version

Éditeur : ‎Institut Aéronautique Jean Mermoz

This volume is part of the A.T.P.L.(A). series of text books which is published in partnership by E.N.A.C. and Institut MERMOZ, in cooperation with AIRBUS. These books are fully compliant with A.T.P.L.(A). E.A.S.A. standards and learning objectives. The reader will find appropriate reference and guidance throughout their content wich has been specifically developed for the student pilot to pass the examinations.

Nb de pages : 267 pages
Format : 19 x 27 cm
Date de parution : 3e trimestre 2017

prix boutique aero
60,00 €
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Mermoz - 040 - Human...

60,00 €