Electrics - Volume 6 - Jeppesen J.A.A. A.T.P.L. Training

Electrics - Volume 6 - Jeppesen J.A.A. A.T.P.L. Training

Au sommaire :
- Courant continu
- Courant alternatif
- Batteries
- Magnétisme
- Générateurs/Alternateurs
- Semi-conducteurs
- Distribution

Attention ! Cet ouvrage est intégralement en anglais.

Édition 2
Format : 21.5 x 27 cm
Date de parution : 2007

Airframes and Systems, Electrics, Powerplant, and Emergency Equipment (ASEPE) - Aeroplanes, subject 021, covers a broad swathe of information that is examined in one paper. To make this information manageable, the 021 subject is broken down into three volumes ; these are Airframes and Systems [which incorporates Emergency Equipment], Electrics, and Powerplant. This volume covers Electrics.

It is recognised that not everybody has a natural inclination towards technical subjects such as electricity. These notes are written in an informative style which leads you from the most basic DC circuits to understanding and appreciating the concepts behind advanced aircraft electrical systems. On completion of study, you will have all the required information to pass this part of the Aircraft Systems and Powerplant examination.

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Electrics - Volume 6 -...

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