Paramotoring - From the ground up

Paramotoring - From the ground up

Cet ouvrage présente tous les aspects d'un sport récent, qui dans beaucoup de pays ne nécessite aucune licence : le paramoteur. Il vous accompagne pas à pas dans votre apprentissage de toutes les connaissances et compétences nécessaires au vol paramoteur en toute sécurité.

Paramotoring is the ultimate form of personal powered flight. This is the aviation sport for everyone with a tight budget but a thirst to fly.

A paramotor outfit doesn't demand airfields and hangars. It will fit in its owner's car and can be flown from fields smaller than football fields. In many countries, including Britain, no license is required.

This book is a broad introduction to all aspects of this young sport. From inflating the wing to understanding an aviation chart, it deals step-by-step with all the skills and knowledge needed to fly safely and confidently. There is sufficient information here to provide a sound basis for acquiring a certificate of competency to fly paramotors in many countries.

Attention, livre intégralement en anglais.

Nb de pages : 190 pages
Format : 18.5 x 24.5 cm
Date de parution : août 2008

prix boutique aero
28,44 €
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Paramotoring - From the...

28,44 €