The Pilot's Manual : Access to flight (Manuel)

The Pilot's Manual : Access to flight (Manuel)

Cet ouvrage a été spécifiquement écrit pour répondre aux problématiques d'entrainement au XXIe siècle. L'environnement de vol de plus en plus complexe ainsi que les machines de plus en plus évoluées requièrent un niveau de compréhension et une capacité fonctionnelle comme jamais. Le prix de l'essence continue de monter, à l'instar des contraintes temporelles, ce qui nécessite une formation plus efficace. La fusion des curriculums " Pilote Privé " et " Instruments " dans ce livre était simplement la meilleure façon de préparer à des vols sécurisés dans cet environnement dynamique avec ces contraintes économiques. Par ailleurs, les questions résumant chaque chapitre aideront les élèves préparant le " F.A.A. Private and Instrument Knowledge Tests ".

The Pilot's Manual : Access to Flight has been specifically crafted to meet the challenges of training in the 21st century. Today's increasingly complex flight environment and Technically Advanced Aircraft (T.A.A.) demand a level of understanding and functional proficiency as never before. Fuel costs and time constraints continue to rise, mandating an efficient curriculum for pilots in training. The integration of Private and Instrument curriculums in this breakthrough course is simply the most efficient and effective way to prepare for safe flight within this dynamic environment and during these demanding economic times. In addition to preparing pilots for the cockpit, chapter review questions will help prepare students for the FAA Private and Instrument Knowledge Tests.

The textbook can also be used for Private and Instrument students participating in a more traditional, non-integrated training approach. Whichever method is used, pilots will learn to intrinsically manage the combined skills of aircraft control, task management, systems management, and operating in busy airspace.

Whether flying for pleasure, business, or a career in aviation, the Private Pilot certificate with the Instrument Rating is the ticket into the full spectrum of the airspace system, it is the key to maximizing the utility of a general aviation aircraft. Foreword by Cirrus Design co-founders Alan and Dale KLAPMEIER.

Attention, ce livre est intégralement en anglais.

Nb de pages : 816 pages
Format : 19 x 23 cm
Date de parution : janvier 2009

prix boutique aero
71,04 €
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The Pilot's Manual : Access...

71,04 €