Performance - Volume 9 - Jeppesen J.A.A. A.T.P.L. Training

Performance - Volume 9 - Jeppesen J.A.A. A.T.P.L. Training

Au sommaire :
- Monomoteurs non certifiés JAR25 (performances de classe B)
- Multi-moteurs non certifiés JAR25 (performances de classe B)
- Avions certifiés JAR25 (performances de classe A)

Attention ! Cet ouvrage est intégralement en anglais.

Édition 2
Format : 21.5 x 27 cm
Date de parution : 2007

Performance provides a concise but readable set of notes which covers the majority of the JAR syllabus, while emphasizing the operational significance of aircraft performance. To enable this book to stand alone, fundamental mathematics, principles of flight, and engine theory are given in the initial chapters. These chapters are written to either introduce the fundamental theoretical knowledge required to support the main performance chapters. Each chapter contains diagrams and worked examples to aid understanding. It finishes with JAR type questions to both check understanding and familiarise you with the type of question likely to be found in the JAR examination.

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Performance - Volume 9 -...

49,95 €