The Complete Remote Pilot

The Complete Remote Pilot

Cet ouvrage est dédié aux personnes souhaitant obtenir le "Remote Pilot certificate" de la F.A.A. afin de piloter un drone pour un usage professionnel. L'auteur traite, dans son livre, tous les détails pour devenir un pilote de drone compétent, responsable et sûr. Cet ouvrage est conçu pour vous apprendre à faire voler un drone, sa composition, et les connaissances aéronautiques nécessaires pour piloter ces systèmes dans le même espace aérien que les avions commerciaux.

This textbook is for anyone interested in pursuing and obtaining a Remote Pilot certificate, which is required in order to operate drones for commercial use. With a friendly and readable style, the authors cover all of the details involved in becoming a competent, responsible, and safe remote pilot, opening up tremendous opportunities for flying increasingly affordable and sophisticated small unmanned aircraft systems (S.U.A.S.).

An F.A.A. Knowledge Exam is a requirement for earning a Remote Pilot certificate. The Complete Remote Pilot is designed to not only prepare you for the exam but to teach you about how U.A.S. fly, their components and systems, and the aeronautical knowledge required to fly these systems in the same airspace as large commercial jets. This book covers specifics on the language of drones, regulations, airspace and navigation, airport and off-airport operations, radio communication procedures, weather, aerodynamics and aircraft performance, emergency procedures, human factors, maintenance, and preflight inspection procedures.

The required aeronautical knowledge is augmented with specific tips and techniques, checklists and mnemonic devices, and sound advice from personal experience. You’ll benefit from the review questions for each chapter similar to the type found on the F.A.A. test, a comprehensive glossary, and index. This practical application of the knowledge needed to pass the F.A.A. Exam is not available in any other book! You will gain the knowledge needed to pass the test and understand how to operate safely as a remote pilot in the U.S. National Airspace System.

Attention, livre intégralement en Anglais.

Nb de pages : 200 pages
Format : 21 x 27.5 cm
Date de parution : 2018

prix boutique aero
23,65 €
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The Complete Remote Pilot

23,65 €